April yang dah nak habis

Zup zap!

Dah bulan April. Update untuk bulan ni:

1-Keje, boringgg...gaji tak boring dpt slalu pun tak pe

2-Life okay. Dah active p facial & sauna

3-Makin gila shopping sebab selalu balik awal.

4-Dah mekap kete ckit-ckit maklumlah dah lama plan nak make-up.Dulu2 mane ada duit.

5-New friends-sucks!

6-Slalu heran nape org lain bleh cakap kuat, aku sora apasal slow je..

7-Makan vitamin Berocca. Tidur bezzz ooo...

8-Boring kat tmpta keje sebab nape la banyakkkknyer gossip.Pot pet pot pet je staff kat pejabat aku tu. Dulu aku keje ngan Cina tak de pun semua tu.Boleh blah! Aku sumpah je jadi toilet bowl!

I'm hoping next month I will drive this car...ehem..

Hak penjagaan aku punya tao!

Hari ini hari keputusan untuk aku dari Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah.

Keputusan hakim:

1-Hak penjagaan kesemua dua orang anak aku, aku dapat.

2-Nafkah anak RM 600.00/300 sorang.

3-Waktu melawat yang sesuai sahaja.

Setelah naik turun mahkamah selama 2006-2009, sampai aku terdepression, menangis setimba, kadang-kadang terasa hinanya aku nak minta ANAK AKU sendiri.Hemmm.. akhirnya sememangnya inilah yang aku harapkan.ALHAMDULILAH kehadrat Ilahi yang tak jemu-jemu mendengar rungutan aku, tangisan aku, doa aku. Yang sentiasa bersama aku. Malah kasi aku makan best-best walaupun aku ni 'lalai' gak. Seperti yang aku niatkan aku berpuasa sunat satu hari.Insya-Allah next week kot.

Untuk sekarang aku masih berusaha cari my kids. Semalam ambek ubat dari Klinik Bersatu dan aku menangis depan doktor tu. Aku saja je nak minta ubat terkawal yang dia kasi tempohari sebab aku rasa dah tak fokus balik. XANAX rupanya name ubat tu.Semalam aku tido cam 100 tahun tak tido. BEST. Tapi aku tq kat doktor tu sebab dia sporting, dia ambek nama anak aku tu, birthdate dan nama aku sebab dia nak tolong minta PPD nyer cabel kalo dapat.

"Saya tak janji, tapi tengoklah kalo ada patient yang keje PPD".

Takpalah doktor sekalung budi untukmu. Tahun lepas waktu terdepression, aku jumpa doktor yang sama gak. Pastu p duduk tepi pantai sorang-sorang. Waktu tu pukul 8 pagi. Relax betul aku rasa. Pastu terus aku okey balik.

Mungkin betul doktor tu cakap, aku kena luahkan kat somebody. Itula masalah aku sebab aku tak suka sangat luahakan perasaan aku kat orang sebab:

1-Aku rasa org yang lemah saja cerita perasaan kat orang.Hemmm..
2-Aku tak suka komen or body language org yg dengar cite aku tu sebab aku ni Tuhan kasik boleh merasa perasaan orang.

3-Aku tak percaya kat org

4-Aku memang tak mo cite kat org.Habis cite!

Ni aku beli dari Petronas. RM 1.00 saja. Boleh buat aku hepi kot.


Aku dah join kompeni baru. Gaji pun belom dapat gi. Kawan-kawan berbeza sikit sebab semue Malay. Boring gak sebab aku jarang2 dikelilingi oleh kawan serumpun bangsa senirik. Perbezaannya:

1- Sambil keje nak sembang je.
2-Masa tu jugaklah nak buat bisnes.
3-Kena pandai ambik hati bos.Bosangg..
4-Kena pandai bersembang sebab semua orang buat keje sambil borak2 cam kedai kopi. Hemmm...
5-Yg paling boring..kena berlagak macho..sebab dah jadi bos.
6-Managementnya sangat funny dan berbelit. Cam today aku bos kat sini, tup2 dpt info training system ditangghkan sebab hardware blom siap. Betul la..tapi kenapa datang dari KL sana nun. Aku bos kat sini pun tak tao. Gilo apo!
7-Lain2 masih belajar merangkak-rangkak..kalo tak ngam ako carik keje lain...

Cerita sedih
Camera digital kesayangan aku dah hilang. Aku masih tak dapat terima kenyataan kamera yg aku suka tu dah hilang. Aku masih lagi selak-selak tilam dan bantal mana tao kut2 terselit kat mana2.

Mak aku masuk hospital lagi sekali. Kanser darah pula doktor cakap sat kanser tulang. Doktor kat ctu biul kut. So dah sebulan aku ulang-alik p tidur hospital. Letih wooo..

Mr President

Semalam aku terjaga jam hampir 1.oo pagi. Aku terlena di depan tv rupanya. Gosh! This few day very tired. Not sure either because of wheather or what? In tv screen Mr Obama is giving his speech after ditabalkan sebagai presiden. Hmm.. Time shown on tv is 11.13 am, america time. Well, look like everybody on earth is welcome him to be president.

My opinion;
1-Aku suka dia punya karisma dan smart atitude
2-Dia masih mat salleh
3-Dia Muslim dari pihak bapa, tapi ibu kristian.Hemmm..
4-Amerika memerangi Islam, last-last dapat President kulit hitam dan muslim pulak tu.Balasan..
5-President Bush akan diingati president yang dibaling kasut. Har-har-har.Presiden amBush.
Obama, I luv U...

Decoration CNY 2009 at QueensBay Mall

Aku juga terbeli jagaan badan dari Lokcitance.( Ni nama sendiri kasi). Bolehla tahan bau dia. RM 99 promosinyer itu sebab aku cuba. Hadiahkan sesuatu untuk diri sendiri.

Disebabkan selalu terlepak di QueensBay Mall setiaJumaat yang jem maka akupun dapatlah lihat decor setiap musim perayaan.

Hope & Luck

Aku beli batu ni dari Living Cabin. Cara tak sengaja aku suka batu ni. Aku simpan dlm handbag dan terusung ke sana kemari. Sebijik lagi LUCK. Luck dah hilang p mana ntah..tingallah HOPE dekat aku.

When there's are life, there's a hope & good luck will always shown


Tahun ni baru nak masuk sebulan. Belum tanggal tali pusat pun tapi aku rasakan banyaknya masalah dunia yang meracau-racau. Termasuklah hidup aku sekali rasa teracau-racau sekali. Uh! semakin menakutkan dunia ni. Mula sekali;
  • Bush kena baling kasut.Satu dunia yang bulat ni tahu. Family si pembaling kasut tu pun dapat supply seumur hidup kasut percuma.Kompeni si pembuat kasut pun dapat syafaat apabila order melimpah-limpah apabila orang menyiasat tempat lahir kasut tersebut.
  • Perang Palestin. Semua bersedih, derma diwujudkan dan pendapat peribadi aku, Bush membalas dendam sebab kena baling kasut.
  • Obama. PM baru Amerika. Semua orang suka. Diharap membawa pembaharuan di dunia yang semakin meleset.
  • Pas menang di KT. Pendapat aku, No komen, rakyat berpelajaran pasti lebih mengetahui yang mana perlu di pilih sebagai wakil mereka. Mereka takkan memilih yang asyik tido & makan je kot. Orang dah muak dengan gambaran orang gomen malas nak buat keje.
  • Kilang-kilang kat Penang dah mula buka katup. Sebab utama ekonomi AS meleset. So terheret samalah pengilang yang eksport ke AS.
  • Tahun ni bagi masyarakt Cina tahun kerbau kot. OX tu ape.. so disifatkan tahun ni lembab, keras & malas.
Aku..aku dah kasi surat resign. So next month aku keje hospital yang aku maki-maki haritu. Har!Har!Har!Padan muke aku.

Masalah famili lak, mak aku sakitnya tak baik-baik lagi. So kami bercadang nak hantar dia balik ke hospital. Tambahan lagi tangan kiri dah patah. Kami cuba ubatkan cara tradisional tapi tak berjaya. So aku akan tido hospital lagi..

Pimples in 30's

Aku tak pernah bermasalah jerawat dari muda but lately in 30's it's start pop-out. Well mayber because everyday I'm sleep late and not eating well...hemm I feelt my body imune getting low and disease start to attack me..hehe(I'm sound stupid speak in Malay).
I'm thinking of detoxin my body. I'm already tried a Phyto essence from Cosway and it suit me. I consider to buy full range. I'm interested to try sabun Mior but very hard to find. I found Eumora at Tesco but I feel not interested coz I reading comments that this sabun is not original as Mior.www.zuzila.com
My akne is come and goes. But it's a deep pimple and feel very bouncy went I touch it. Ouch!

Here’s The Plain Truth.These Treatments Simply Do Not Work.
And it isn’t your fault. We all believe that acne is the result of clogged pores and dirty skin. So the products we use focus on the surface of the skin. But here’s the catch:
Acne Begins Inside Your Body!
Of course these treatments don’t work. Products that treat the OUTSIDE of our bodies to solve an INTERNAL problem are destined to fail!
We are being held hostage by misinformation, and acne is the result.
But don’t lose hope!
There’s actually a way to support your body against the internal causes of acne. Read on and you’ll discover the irrefutable facts for yourself.
Thousands of people have used this holistic and 100% natural solution that can:
Fight the stress that makes acne worse
Support your body against hormonal fluctuation
Supply the anti-oxidants your skin is starving for, and
Prevent new blemishes from forming
That’s right, you can kiss your acne goodbye…. Without harsh chemicals or antibiotics.
Never use another acne cleanser or lotion!
Keep reading …
and you’ll learn more about this truly revolutionary skin care discovery that has the acne industry scratching their heads.
And…you can throw away the useless —and sometimes downright harmful—products in your medicine chest.
But first, let’s take a moment to talk about why other acne products are so ineffective.
‘I clean my skin every day. I take antibiotics.But my acne keeps coming back.’
Acne is caused by clogged pores and bacteria, right?
Scientific studies, including a survey by the National Institutes of Health, demonstrate that acne is multi-causal and many of these underlying causes are internal.
By the time a pimple is formed, the causes are already in place. Topical products treat the symptom not the problem!
The truth is, the root causes of acne have nothing to do with pores and bacteria.
Step back for a moment and think about the skin. As humans, we all have hair follicles (and therefore pores) covering every inch of our skin. We also have hundreds of species of bacteria living on our skin. Most of this bacteria is beneficial to our health and has co-evolved with us for thousands of years.
But if we all have pores and bacteria on our skin, why don’t we all have acne?
Why do some people have perfect complexions and the rest of us have a perpetual struggle? The answer is very simple.
Pores and bacteria do not cause acne.
Scientific research explores a revolutionary way to support your body’s defenses against the internal causes of acne—naturally.
One hundred years of nutritional research has uncovered the role that vitamins and minerals play in supporting all of your body’s critical functions. Now it is merely a matter of applying all that nutritional research.
An American epidemiologist has recently done just that. She reviewed scientific papers about the connection between nutrition and acne published in the Cochrane Review, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Medicine, and Lancet, among others.
She discovered that several key anti-oxidants and micronutrients have the power to:
protect your skin from stress
calm hormonal fluctuations
adjust your skin’s reaction to simple sugars
And, do all of this naturally, with no side-effects!
This formula is safe, natural and independently tested--and proven to be effective in over 73% of people who used it, in TWO weeks or less!
How would you like to start eliminating the causes of acne right now? Without harsh cleansers and lotions. Without the frustration. Without burning or redness.
After scrupulous testing and improvements, this formula is finally available in an exclusive and patent-pending form!
The evidence doesn’t lie. And now, the power of vitamins and minerals has been harnessed to fight the underlying causes of acne: hormones, diet and stress.
This targeted formula is now available in the first-ever gummy vitamin for acne.
That’s right!
The nutritional formula is delivered in a delicious lemon-flavored nutraceutical candy, called Frutels.
Frutels gummy vitamins for acne are fast-acting, convenient, and fun. No swallowing pills, no harsh cleansers. And because the vitamins are suspended in a gummy candy, they are more bio-available than vitamins in pill form.
That’s not all…You’ll find that having clear skin has never been this hassle-free.
The truth about acne has finally been revealed.
The treatments we use look no further than the surface of our skin; But we all know the causes of acne are on the inside.
In a moment we will discuss why the external theory of acne has persisted for so long and caused us so much grief.
But first, remember the Hans Christian Anderson story “The Emperor’s New Clothes”? The Emperor of Anderson’s fairy tale cared very much about his clothes, and was promised the finest clothes made from the most beautiful fabric. This fabric, he and his kingdom were told, was so fine that it was invisible to anyone who was either too stupid to see it or who was unfit for his position.
So the emperor strolled through town wearing his new clothes, too afraid to admit the evidence right before his eyes. All of the townspeople praised the suit of clothes as well, terrified to admit that they could not see them…
…Until a small child screamed “But the Emperor has nothing on!”
Dermatologists do not study the whole body system. They are trained to look no further than the surface of the skin, so they naturally put forth an external theory of acne.
As a result…
…we continue buying products formulated according to this external theory of acne when we really know that the causes are internal.
No wonder these products are so ineffective against acne!
In addition to experiencing breakouts, our skin is plagued with the dryness, burning and redness caused by most acne treatments.
But it’s not our fault--we’ve been taken in by a faulty theory, and like the child in the “Emperor’s New Clothes,” we all have the power to proclaim the truth.
Acne starts on the inside before it appears on our skin.
Discover the natural way to have beautiful, healthy skinfrom the inside out.
Most of us who have struggled with acne know deep down what might be causing our breakouts – because we are vigilant about our skin.
We get acne when our hormones flare up, in our teenage years, during pregnancy, and for women, during certain times of the month. We get acne when our bodies are overwhelmed by stress and when our diet isn’t giving us the nutrients we need to fight all these factors.
These hormonal fluctuations can deplete our supply of several vitamins and minerals.
Frutels, the gummy vitamin for acne provides you with comprehensive nutritional support against stress, dietary deficiencies, and hormonal flare-ups.
Frutels formula supports your body with antioxidant vitamins C and E, known to fight infection and repair the damaging effects of stress. The full-spectrum of B vitamins in Frutels also help your body fight off stress.

But that's not all...
Strengthen your body’s chemistry against simple sugars.
But the idea that diet can cause acne is a myth right?
Wrong. In fact, a 2002 study published in the Archives of Dermatology suggests the diet-acne connection is not a myth at all. This study examined the diets of Islanders off the coast of Papua New Guinea and South American Indians in Paraguay, and found not one of them had a single pimple.
Why might this be so?
Unfortunately, evolution has not equipped us with a metabolism to handle the industrial food chain. The changes in food production over the last century have given us a food supply that, as we all know, is rich in simple sugars and largely depleted of essential nutrients.
Fortunately, Frutels formula includes several vitamins and minerals proven to strengthen your body’s chemistry against a diet high in simple sugars.
Our bodies need additional B vitamins to metabolize all that sugar, and these and other nutrients are depleted when there is an excess of sugar and simple carbohydrates in our diet.
And Frutels is sugar-free, so it does not add unwanted simple sugars to your diet.
Defend against stress and hormonal fluctuations
Have you ever looked in the mirror and seen the stress in your life written all over your face?
Well, there’s a good reason for that.
Stress factors such as growth, puberty, lack of sleep, pollution, and exercise can damage your body and result in acne. Stress can also upset the delicate balances of our hormonal system.
Teenagers going through puberty are not the only ones with fluctuating hormones and acne!
Women, in particular, experience natural fluctuations during their monthly cycle and during middle age. But we can all experience hormonal fluctuations throughout our lives.
Frutels includes zinc, vitamins C and E and the full spectrum of B vitamins, because of the role these nutrients play in hormonal regulation and protecting against hormonal imbalance.
You’ve tried other productsAnd you’ve experienced the side-effects.
It’s important in this day and age to be skeptical. Examine the facts. Most of the acne products on the market today can actually make your skin WORSE before any improvements.
Relax – knowing Frutels is all-natural and free from side effects
With Frutels, you’ll be able to support your body against the root causes of acne without the risk of harmful side effects. You can take it with full confidence that scientists have been testing the vitamins and minerals in Frutels for about 100 years and these ingredients have proven to be safe.
And Frutels begin working right away. We are absolutely convinced that you will love the results.
But that’s not all…
In testing, over 73% of people saw an improvement in their skin in two weeks or less.

Respond today and regain control and confidence over your skin!
Thousands of men and women like you are already enjoying the benefits of clear skin. And Frutels can work for you! Nothing could be safer or more convenient.
Buy now and receive a 6-pack of Frutels. Each container is a normal weeks supply. Simply eat 2-4 Frutels per day, depending on the severity of your acne.
In two weeks you will be looking in the mirror and ready to face the world with clearer skin.
If you’re not convinced that Frutels is the best acne product you’ve ever used, return your empty containers within 60 days and we will send you a COMPLETE refund (less S&H).

Frutels assumes a general level of good health and specifically supplements for all of the causes of acne, which are hormones, stress and diet. So keep taking your normal vitamin regimen, and supplement with Frutels for your acne.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results are from independent and in-house testing, and individual results may vary.
Supplement Facts Serv. Size: 2 Frutels, Servings: 6 per container, Calories 20, Total Carb. 6 g (2% DV), Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 50 mg (80% DV), Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopherol acetate) 26.66 IU (90% DV), Thiamine (as thiamine mononitrate) 6.66 mg (440% DV), Riboflavin 6.66 mg (390% DV), Niacin (as niacinamide) 6.66 mg (35% DV), Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 6.66 mg (330% DV), Folic Acid 26.66 mcg (6% DV), Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 6.66 mcg (110% DV), Biotin 6.66 mg (2% DV), Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenic) 6.66 mg (70% DV), Zinc (as zinc acetate) 3.34 mg (20% DV), PABA (Para Aminobenzoic Acid) 6.66 mg (†), Choline 6.66 mg (†), Inositol 6.66 mg (†). † Daily Values not established. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Other Ingredients: Maltitol Syrup, Gelatin, Citric Acid, Natural Flavors, Color (from spinach), Mineral Oil, Carnauba Wax. Contains Wheat and Soybeans.
Distributed by: Frutels LLC, NY, NY 10024
(c) 2007, Frutels, LLC, NY, NY


Today in year 2009

Lately internet connection slow semacam. Mungkin kabel dasar laut yang digigit putus oleh ikan jerung tu belum boleh bertaut kembali.

Today is 1/1/2009.
Cuaca-hujan lebat,sejuk & aku belum mandi dari pagi tadi.
Apa aku buat-tengok TV,baca Womens Weekly, basuh baju, sapu sikit..lain2 fikir2 ntah apa2 & plan itu dan ini.

Esok keje balik. Apada kompeni aku start dari raya Haji, buka, katup,buka, katup...kilang2 lain sekeliling aku semuanya honeymoon. Tapi syok jugak nak p keje tak dak kete...aku keluar pagi2 pun dekat kul 8.00 hoho..